About Healing Divorce

Divorce doesn’t have to harm those we love.

Healing Divorce was born out of our own journey.

We were married in June 2002 in an incredible explosion of love in California.  Two years later we became parents of our special needs son named Kai.  In 2006 we separated, and in 2008 we were legally divorced.

At our divorce hearing, we held hands and embraced as the judge looked on and said, “Oh my God– you two should teach workshops for people getting divorced!”  Little did she know that her comment planted a powerful seed within us that culminated in Healing Divorce.

Yet this seed didn’t blossom by itself, it was quite a journey! Going through our own separation and divorce was very  painful and deeply humbling.  At first, we tried navigating through the process ourselves.

Even though we were teachers in the field of transformation, and had all the ‘tools’ at our disposal, it was a brutal process that—at times—brought us to our knees.

We experienced the sheer emotional power of pain, anger, guilt, and blame – and had to admit that although (most of the time) we didn’t want to consciously hurt each other, many times we did.  After many months of struggle, we recognized that our conflict was harming our son, each other, and those around us who were pushed to “take sides.”

Thankfully, a massive U-turn occurred.

We realized that we could not do it alone,  and reached out for guidance and specialized support. This proved invaluable in helping us move from pain, blame, and guilt into healing, forgiveness and friendship.

As a result of this journey we emerged from our divorce as good friends, loving co-parents, and successful business partners. Our son is the greatest beneficiary, as he continues to thrive on the love and caring of mommy and daddy.

Our marriage is over, but our relationship has transformed into an even deeper friendship, and a shared commitment to providing a supportive and loving expanded family for our son that puts his well-being at the center of all that we do.


Out of our journey, the Healing Heart Protocol was born!

The Healing Heart Protocol is an online course based on 17 years of experience with thousands of people in personal growth intensives, combined with our first-hand journey through divorce.  The course provides you with the proper tools, techniques, support, and guidance to navigate through your breakup in a way that preserves the shared love for your children, transforms your family, heals your heart, and opens you to love again.  


The Healing Heart Protocol includes 5 modules of audio (appx 2-2.5 hours per module), PDF transcripts of each module, and PDF Worksheets with guided exercises, processes and meditations to accompany each module.

From our hearts, we invite you to be part of the cultural paradigm shift that is taking place in our world right now. More and more people are shifting their perceptions of divorce away from a “failure” into a profound “opportunity”—to heal, grow, and love more than ever before.

Our holistic, child-centered approach works just for you, or for both you  and your former partner if they’re interested.




We’ve also share our personal story in a co-authored memoir:
Divorced with Love
Divorced with Love:
Our Journey through Heartbreak and Separation into Forgiveness and Friendship

Divorced with Love is both a memoir and a self-help book about how to navigate divorce in a conscious way that promotes healing and growth.


Click here to Buy Divorced with Love


“Michael and Neelama are wise, loving and compassionate coaches. In working with them, I have connected more deeply with my true nature, and in the process, my heart has opened more widely and I am more embodied and present to what is. I can see more clearly now, and I am very grateful.”
Vicki D. - Lawyer - Alexandria, VA